Marvel's adaptation of Thor has certain similarities with Superman. Es ist aber zwecklos: Deadpool nimmt seine Rache und richtet. Colossus bittet Deadpool, ein wahrer Held zu sein und seinen Feind am Leben zu lassen, da es im Leben nur '4 oder 5 Momente gibt, in denen du ein echter Held bist'. Which Avengers can beat Superman? Here are 11 Marvel Characters Who Can Beat Superman: Deadpool schreit in Todesangst, dass es keine Heilung gibt, zieht seine Colt 1908 und platziert sie auf Ajax Stirn. Saying “What's my name?” is Francis' way of saying “are you ready to give up, or am I going to have to kill you?” Of course, if Wade calls him Ajax, Francis will probably try and kill Wade anyway. Ajax is far from the funniest character in Deadpool, but like the titular anti-hero points out in a quick fourth wall break, this actually is a pretty great line. In 2005, Colgate licensed the American and Canadian rights to the Ajax brand name for laundry detergents. It had induced sufficient enough stress to trigger the X gene in Wade Wilson. The purpose of the device had already achieved the desired result. The sword he used to commit suicide was one given to him by Hector.Ĭurrently, Ajax Powdered Cleanser and Ajax Dishwashing Liquid are the only two Ajax products currently sold by Colgate in the United States. While the others occupied Angel Dust and a few soldiers, Deadpool confronted Ajax once more, eventually managing to overpower him. Answer (1 of 5): At that moment, Ajax was going to close the lid on the oxygen deprivation device and subject Wade to its torture again. When Ajax realized what he had done, he fell onto his own sword and committed suicide. Ajax's Death When Achilles dies during the Trojan War, Ajax and Odysseus fight the Trojans to reclaim the body to give Achilles a proper burial.