I know that Dahua only allow 3 log in attempts before locking the account. In fact, I believe that should be a default setting. Third, you need to restrict illegal log ins like mentioned above. If is a PC, you need to check it for typical remote desktop apps (LMI, Teamviewer, VNC, etc) or have it scanned for malware. If they have insecure WiFi, that needs to be addressed. Secondly, you can assume that either the local WiFi network is insecure, or they had remote access.

Is a PC that could have been remoted into? Is it another device like a wireless access point or switch? That is your first goal. Jason, the attack came from a host that had the IP address on your local network. How else would they be able to allow you into your locked device? I know that with Dahua, this special password can only be used at the DVR/NVR. Easy people! All of the real manufacturers have an algorithm to create a one day only admin password.